Monday, February 8, 2010

Any slight upward change in temperature, with the sun shining like it had never stopped, in February makes for a good day. I don't feel excluded from nature's sudden spring-like twist to this bitter, dark, draining winter. In fact I almost feel as deserving as that dirty pile of snow that so desperately wants to see its end of days. On days like this, I find it appropriate to play Meddle. Truly one of the my favorite albums that didn't get much attention due to its following album. It makes me wish I could just feel the breeze pushing my hair back, even making my eyes tear. That element of nature that paralyzes all thought yet it's enjoyable in itself. How many times do you see dogs standing still on a breezy day, taking in all the wind it can get? There's something very refreshing about it. The sun warms up the resonate chill of the wind and I feel like I could lay on the ground right there forever. Feeling content in my place here, looking to tomorrow without a worry, forgetting the past. These days and moments are so few and far between, I don't mind noticing them and pointing them out.

Today makes me think of the past year and how truly refreshing it was. At the moment, I was forced to start over in a major way. I was stressed and struggling through every moment and didn't think I would ever come to reflect upon it, especially not positively. But I'm here and relieved and could not happier. Every interaction today has been delightful. So much conversation between friends and enemies. No even notices. This orange is appealing beyond dietary satisfaction. Its bright, ripe color makes me feel hopeful that everything can prosper. I could go on forever about this day, but I'll let you use your imagination. Afterall, it will be dark in only an hour.

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